Talent Acquisition
The most distinctive feature of job vacancies today is their innate need to be tailor-made. In the current dynamic business scape, with the array of possible qualifications ranging from distance learning to residential courses, it’s impossible to point a finger at what exactly is an employer asking for. The options often overlap each other and there is an extremely thin line between a good candidate and the perfect candidate.
We, at iConsult India, believe that even though a multitude of people can do a job right, often very selective people can do it JUST right. Building an all-rounded team is imperative to the overall success and efficiency of any business operation. Formulating a recruitment plan and devising an optimum and efficient selection process is the key to ceaseless business operations. Not only does it save valuable resources, time and efforts but indeed takes the entire organization towards its maximum potential for success. What sets iConsultant India apart is our focus on long-term human resource planning and expertise in finding appropriate candidates for positions that require a specific skillset. We specialize in competency-based hiring and work with organizations to derive strategies for finding experts, leaders, and/or future executives using specialized tools such as psychometric analysis.
Policies & Systems
Policies, procedures, and systems form the basis of all HR practices. They don’t just provide guidelines on how to undertake specific activities but indeed give a framework on what day to day attitude is appreciated and what behavior is looked down upon. Setting these policies is like laying a foundation for the smooth functioning of an organization.
We, at iConsult India, understand that while HR practices and procedures can often develop organically over a period of time, policies and systems require careful planning. Framing policies without a long term vision can often cripple an organization’s scope of being dynamic and accommodating for people of varying backgrunds. Our policies are designed with consideration and deliberation that don’t just provide consistency but inculcate a culture of transparency and fairnss across the workplace.
Compensation & Benefits
All trade and commerce relies on the simple ideology of give and take. No business can run without the hard work and dedication of its employees. Having appropriate compensation and benefits strategy is the core requirement not only for the motivation of existing employees but also for attracting fresh talent. Plus, appropriate compensation and benefits is important for businesses to follow their budgets while simultaneously enhancing performance. Thus, it is safe to conclude that compensation and benefits are the backbone of both talent acquisition and the financial viability of businesses.
We, at iConsult India, help organizations design compensation frameworks and programs that are sustainable, sound and progressive. Appropriate remunerations don’t just control costs but induce tax savings for employers, hence optimizing profits from both ends. We take care of both your company’s financial health and your employees’ needs and preferences. We achieve measurable impact on performance, efficiency, and risk management by creating reward packages that serve the interests of organizations by keeping it competitive for hiring leadership talent while managing the growing complexity of regulations, legislation and share holder demands.
HR Audits
Auditing is imperative as it helps in identifying the gaps in process application, which may be important for statutory requirements and desired business control. The current market dynamics are developing a high need for business governance and standardization of processes. This has made auditing an important tool for avoiding the complexities of handling non-compliance issues, both legal and commercial. Standardization gives oneness to organization products and processes and helps in building customer confidence.
At iConsult India, we conduct a comprehensive review and periodically check compliance of all Human Resources policies, procedures, systems, documentation, and legal requirements. This is not just to detect inefficiencies but to identify and fortify the strengths. Our process includes diagnosis, development, and execution of a detailed audit mechanism. Our audits are not focused on conventional backward-looking ideologies only meant for corrective measures but are rather forward-looking with a focus on enhancing future results.
Capability Building
Companies these days are always working towards improving what they already have. Be it their market share, processes, products or assets. However, what one needs to understand is that merely transforming processes and products is not adequate. For instance, a company could launch a transformation to improve its R&D performance or change business models from wholesale to retail. But ultimately, each of these transformations requires new capabilities that the company has to build or acquire, not just to attain that success but also to stay there. Identifying and developing the requisite capabilities can mean the difference between a successful, sustained transformation and a short-term effort whose results quickly fade.
iConsult India works towards capability building through assessment centers, leadership & management development programs, career and succession planning, and behavioral & soft skills coaching. We design a success path for organizations by nurturing and developing competencies in their human resources. These are perfectly mapped to align with the organization’s strategy by staying in line with its mission, vision, culture, values, and strengths. All of these efforts are to ensure that the said employee base can thrive in a competitive global economy and manage effectively amidst dynamic conditions.
Steps involved in our capability building program are
Technology & Innovations
A world without technology is a world without possibilities. Automation is the need of the hour for the corporates, therefore technological fluency has become a necessary skill. Commercial activities today move at an unbelievable pace. Information is required to be available anytime, anywhere. This is only possible with the use of advanced technology. HR management has been streamlined and enhanced by the use of technology, giving employees the option to get their required information on their fingertips. Technological efficiency eliminates and mitigates manual interventions, leaving time with managers to do value-added contributions towards the business.
We, at iConsult India, have embraced technology with open arms and have tried to adapt and adopt its latest applications in the world of human resources. We don’t just endorse technology for basic tasks but have also attained specialization in operations involving HR analytics, PMS (Performance Management Systems), HRMS (Human Resource Management System) and MIS (Management Information Systems). We believe when expertise walks hand in hand with innovation, perfection is achieved.